14 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe

Helena Christensen shopped passionate

Christensen shopped passionate

Shopping Spree: Helena Christensen (42) has a weakness for clothes and in spite of good intentions can not stop shopping.

Shopping is a passion of the model, which revealed that her wardrobe is now bursting at the seams.

"A wardrobe is growing with the years and actually I will not even look in there so deep - I seek out something simple, what is up front," the Dane said in an interview with 'Grazia'.

Christensen, who owns her own clothing line 'Christensen and Sigersen' with her good friend Leif Sigersen buys her clothes many times after a spontaneous humor and is easy to convince them to expand their clothing collection.

"Now and then I try to clean out anything. My mother has a second-hand shop, which is handy. But sometimes I feel that I should buy for the rest of my life, nothing more, because I have everything I need. But then come out all the new collections and one thinks, 'OK, they have designed something that I've NEVER seen before and I absolutely must have! "Laughed Helena Christensen.

The beauty, however, despite their wildly successful career is not always enough confidence to wear what she likes: "No, not at all, even the opposite is the case," confessed Helena Christensen.

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